10 good reasons why working remotely makes sense

10 good reasons why working remotely makes sense


When employees carry out their duties away from the office, that's remote working — also known as telecommuting and telework. It's not an all-or-nothing definition. Some remote workers, like travelling salespeople and call center workers, are permanently away from their organization. Laptop-wielding middle managers regularly dock with the office mothership. Some employees work remotely only when the office is on fire.
The traditional office is under attack, beaten down by remote video calls, outsourcing, and workers in coffee bars. It's a threat that the CEO of Yahoo!, Marissa Mayer, famousltried to stamp out by forcing all employees to work onsite. But who wants to work in the old headquarters? "You know what I want to do today? Commute to the office!" Said no one. Ever.

To read more go to: http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/10-things/10-good-reasons-why-working-remotely-makes-sense/

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