23 Cool Tech Facts

In a world run by Internet connectivity for all aspects of life, from efficient work operations and management to social networking connections, it is no surprise that information is the foundation of our collective future. That being said, here are some quirky facts about technology that you may find surprising.
1. On eBay, there is an average of $680 worth of transactions every second.
2. Ninety-one percent of all adults have their mobile phone within arm’s reach every hour of every day.
3. There are 6.8 billion people on the planet and 4 billion of them use a mobile phone. Only 3.5 billion of them use a toothbrush.

To read more go to:  http://www.websitemagazine.com/content/blogs/posts/archive/2014/05/18/23-cool-tech-facts.aspx

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